In U.S News

Where Do We Go From Here: How This Election Will Truly Change The US

After hearing that Donald Trump is the next President of the United States, panic rung through millions of people. We all were left to deal with thoughts that we weren't sure if they would ever become a reality. This election was one of the most important parts of our history as a country, for the good and the bad.
One thing I think everyone has learned from these past months of campaigning, debates, and pure nonsense is that Donald Trump may say he is a republican, but he isn't. I can't attest to what he is, but putting the label "republican" on him is not fair to the republicans who recognize how dangerous he is to our society. After the results we were left with so many questions that we don't have answers for, and probably won't have answers for a while.

I think the most pressing question on many people's minds is: who actually is Donald Trump? Is he truly the man we've seen all over the media making horrendous remarks, or was that purely a publicity stunt?
Will he try to repeal the rights that women, minorities, as well as the LGBTQ community has worked so hard for? And if he does, what does this mean for us?
What does Trump presidency mean for the world as a whole? We can't blindly think that this only will affect America. His presidency will change things across the world, but to what extent.
What is Trump truly capable of? We've heard him spew pure nonsense for months, but how much of it is real?

How will we work to keep our country from backtracking 50 years?
If anything, during the next four years we need to remember that as citizens we can prevent change, or instil change. It's happened multiple times in our history, and this is time where we have to stop being social justice warriors over social media, we need to start using our real voices. Collectively as a group we can stop our country from falling apart. In the words of Trump himself, "Let's make America great again!" But let's make America the great place we know that is accepting of all races and walks of life.

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